How does Backpack Stretcher works ?

 How It Works
·         The slide locks is a device that locks the backpack.
·         The backpack stripes’ length can be adjusted according to the person carrying the backpack
·         When opening up the stretcher, make sure the adjustable joints are locked properly to ensure safety.
·         For adjusting the stretcher to a certain position, pull out the supporting stand from the titanium poles and place it on the ground like shown in figure 4d.

Figure 4d – Side View of Fully-Opened Backpack Stretcher
·         The supporting stand can be extended and shortened to adjust the degree of the stretcher. Put back the supporting stand into the titanium poles when it is not in use to ensure safety.
·         Press the button near where the handle is located to get the handle out of the titanium poles. Push the handle back into the titanium pole when not in use
·         The supporting bed can be detached from the two titanium poles for washing.
·         The adjustable joints must be unlocked before folding up the stretcher.